You can easily edit, organize or remove announcements on the Announcements homepage. There, you will find an overview of every announcement, both published and unpublished.
There are two ways to access the Announcement homepage, the first one is:
Via the navbar:
- Go to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
- Click on Course Admin.
- Click Announcements.
Via Course Home:
- Under Announcements on the right-hand side of your screen, click on Go to Announcements Tool.
- Click the fold-out arrow behind an announcement title to:
- Edit: you can use the same options as when you are creating a new announcement
- View: view the announcement in its entirety
- Dismiss from Widget: this option makes the announcement invisible on the homepage
- Pin to top: Pin announcements to the top of the Announcement Widget and allowing important information to remain visible to students.
- Delete: remove the announcement
- Copy: copy the announcement
- To delete multiple announcements at once, select them using the selection box on the left next to Title. Click Delete to remove them.
- To recover deleted announcements, click More Actions and go to Restore. Select the announcements you want to bring back and click Restore.
When editing an announcement, you can choose Major edit - send a notification and restore it for those who dismissed it. A new notification with the updated announcement will be send to all course participants.