
How do I create a report of a survey?

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In this article, you can read how you can create a report of a survey and how you can make this report available for others (e.g. students or other staffmembers).

Create a Report

Generate a survey report to:

  • collect survey data (statistics);
  • share survey data with other users (for example with colleagues with a different role who do not have access to the survey statistics page with their privileges, or with students) 

You have to explicitly give users in your course access per role in order for the report to become visible to them. Always add the teacher and/or coordinator, otherwise you will not be able to see the report yourself!

  • Go to Course Tools  in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Course Admin.
  • Click Surveys.
  • Click the fold-out arrow of the existing survey and then click Edit.
  1. Click Reports Setup. 
  2. Click Add Report.
  1. Give the report a title.
  • Select Summary Report if you want the results of all submitted surveys to be added up. 
  • Tick Show aggregate data to view the results of the multiple choice, true/false, Likert, multi-select and matching questions.
  • Tick Show text responses to view individual results of open, short-answer, fill-in-the-blanks en multi-short-answer questions.
  • Select Individual Attempts if you want to look at the results from each submitted survey separately. 
  • Tick Hide user information if you want the names of the respondents in the surveys to be hidden. 
  • Decide under Release if you want the report to be released at once (immediately) or set a different date for it to be released. 
  • Tick which Brightspace roles you want to provide with access to the report. Please note: you can create multiple reports of a survey (for example if you want students to see a more concise version of the statistics than the teachers). 
  • Click Save to return to the Reports-Setup tab: you will now see a list of all reports you made of the survey.

When setting up the report, always consider to whom it is accessible. For instance, it is possible to decide to hide names in a report that is visible to students but to show them in a report that is exclusively visible to teachers. 

You get quick-access to the reports of a survey if you use the survey quick-menu. To do so, click on the arrow next to a survey on the Survey homepage, and then click Reports. 

View and print Report

You get quick access to the reports of a survey via the  survey quickmenu.

  • Go to Course Tools  in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Course Admin.
  • Click Surveys. 
  • Click the fold-out arrow behind the desired survey and click Reports.
  • Click the name of the report. A new window will open.
  • Enter a date range for which you want to see the results (optional).
  • Click Generate HTML to open the report in Brightspace. You can also download the report in Excel.

You are now able to view the report.

  • Click Print Report to print the report.
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