
Quick Eval

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There is a video about this topic at the end of this article. Click here to go directly to the video.

Quick Eval is a tool to evaluate your students work in a clear way. Quick Eval shows you work to be evaluated from Assignments, Discussions and/or Quizzes. Work that has to be evaluated handed in via other tools (e.g. P2P) are NOT shown in the list of Quick Eval. 

In general, this tool consists of two uses. The first one, a course-specific Quick Eval only shows you your items to be evaluated from the particular course you are visiting at that moment. A second use of this tool is a multi-course Quick Eval, where to be evaluated work from two or more different course is shown in one list. It is possible to filter the list based on the course, date or activity name.

The content of this article consists of:

Course-specific Quick Eval: a list of all the to be evaluated work of one course

As mentioned before, this regular Quick Eval use is to find all your to be evaluated work of one specific course in one list.

To start, open the course in which you want to evaluate work from students. Click on Course Tools > Quick Eval in the navigation bar to open the Quick Eval.

  1. By clicking on Submissions, you'll find an overview of all submissions in this course, including Assignments, Discussions and/or Quizzes.
  2. You see the name of the student. Note: it is also possible to anonymize the submissions.
  3. You see the Activity Name and the symbol of the type of submission (Assignment, Discussion or Quiz).
  4. You can filter to only select a specific kind of submission. You can filter on Activity Name and Data. So, it is not possible to filter on Activity Type.
  5. By clicking on the three circles, you can choose to enter Multi-course Quick Eval. The use of this tool will be described later in this article.


  1. By clicking on Activities, you'll find some information on specific activities in your course.
  2. Here you'll find the information on your activity.
  3. By using the filter, you can filter only based on Activity Name.


  1. By hovering with your mouse over the black and white circle, a second screen appears. Here you'll find more actions you can perform.
  2. One of the new actions is Evaluate All, showing you a list of all the to be evaluated submissions of a specific activity in this course.
  3. Submission List shows you a list of submissions and more information about the submission.
  4. Under More Actions, you can select Publish All. If you want to publish all your evaluations of this specific Activity at one time, you can save your evaluation as a draft and select Publish All to publish all at the same time. Note: If your activity is anonymous (for Assignments this is possible, see Anonymous Marking), you'll have to publish all your evaluations at the same time.

Multi-Course Quick Eval: a list of all the to be evaluated work of all your courses

Multi-Course Quick Eval shows you a list of all the to be evaluated work of all your courses in one list. The to be evaluated work must be an Assignment, Discussion or Quiz, otherwise it'll not be shown in this list.

Go to your Brightspace Homepage. On the navigation bar, select Quick Eval. This will automatically show you Multi-Course Quick Eval.

  1. By clicking on Submissions, you'll find a list of submissions in all your course.
  2. Students First Name and Last Name.
  3. Activity Name.
  4. Course Name.
  5. Submissions Date.
  6. You can filter this list based on Activity Name, Course Name and Date.
  1. By clicking on Activities, you'll find more information about specific activities.
  2. Separation is made based on Course Name.
  3. Here you'll find more information about the specific activities.
  4. You can filter based on Activity Name and Course Name.
  1. By hovering with your mouse over the black and white circle, a second screen appears. Here you'll find more actions you can perform.
  2. One of the new actions is Evaluate All, showing you a list of all the to be evaluated submissions of a specific activity in this course.
  3. Submission List shows you a list of submissions and more information about the submission.
  4. Under More Actions, you can select Publish All. If you want to publish all your evaluations of this specific Activity at one time, you can save your evaluation as a draft and select Publish All to publish all at the same time. Note: If your activity is anonymous (for Assignments this is possible, see Anonymous Marking), you'll have to publish all your evaluations at the same time.

Quick Eval is only available when the user is not subscribed to more than a 1000 courses.


Click here for a video or watch that same video below (THUAS login is required).

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