
Integration Osiris - Brightspace

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As for a lot of our applications, Brightspace uses Osiris as a source for a lot of aspects. To be able to use Brightspace you need a course, you need to know who teaches this course and of course, students need access to this course. All of this information is, in most cases, already available in Osiris. For that reason, there is a technical integration between Osiris and Brightspace. In this article we explain what this integration entails.


Courses are the backbone of Brightspace. This is where students can find all information, assignments and all other content that is provided by their teacher. Courses can be created in Brightspace through the integration with Osiris, so how does this work?

A couple of months before the start of each (study) year in September, courses are created in Osiris. All important information about the course is recorded. This is usually done by the LSO employee of each faculty, based on information (from OER/OLP) provided by the program.

When creating a course in Osiris, the LSO employee has the option to have the course automatically created in Brightspace by ticking a checkbox. If this box is ticked, the course will be created in near real time.

Only courses with the Final status will be created when the box for creating in Brightspace is ticked. As long as the course has a Draft status, it won't be created in Brightspace. Once the course is created, it will remain available in Brightspace, even if you change the status from Final back to Draft.


All employees that are added either as a teacher or as a contact person to a course in Osiris will automatically have access to this course in Brightspace with the Instructor role if the course is created through the integration.

This is only the case if the the employee had access to the course in Osiris with the teacher or contact person role when the course was in Final status.


Students can automatically be enrolled to their courses in Brightspace as long as they are enrolled for the course or exams belonging to this course in Osiris. There is a separate checkbox in Osiris to have enrolled students in Osiris automatically enrolled to the course in Brightspace. It is also possible to create a course through the integration without enrolling the students automatically in Brightspace, simply by not checking the box for the student enrollments.

Please notice that students will only be enrolled one month before the start of the study year

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