
How do I create Learning Outcomes within my course?

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In this article, you can read about Learning Outcomes: what they are, how to create them and how to use them.

This content of this article consists of:

What are Learning Outcomes?

A learning objective indicates what one wants to achieve with education, and in this case: within a certain course. A learning objective specifies clearly what one intends to acquire for oneself or others in terms of knowledge, insights and skills.

In order to make the leaning outcomes more manageable, you can link certain outcomes to specific (group)assignments or course tools within Brightspace.

Creating Learning Outcomes

Go to your Course Content, next to the "New Unit" option you can click on Outcomes.

Then, you will see the Outcomes you have already made or the following screen, when you have not made any Outcomes yet. Click on Add or Remove Outcomes to create new ones.

  1. Click on Add Outcome.
  2. Type the Outcome.
  3. You can give the Outcome a Short Code to make it easier to find within the Achievement Standards Network (optional).
  4. Click on Save.

When you have clicked on Save and made the outcome, you have the option to: edit, delete and/or add a lower-level outcome when you click on the three dots on the right side.

You can also import outcomes by using a csv file. Click on "Import Outcomes" and then "Import from file".

Adding/linking the Learning Outcomes to your Brightspace tools

You can link Learning Outcomes to Brightspace tools such as: (Group)Assignments, Quiz and Discussions. To link, go to one of these tools and click on "Create New". For (Group)Assignments, this is the New Assignment button. Next, you will see the following screen (if you have created Learning Outcomes in the previous steps).

  1. Click on Outcomes, you will be able to select the Learning Outcomes you have already made:

Click on save to create the link, and fill in the rest of the Assignment settings.

Monitoring progress and assessment with the Learning Outcomes

When you have linked the Outome to a Brightspace Tool and start assessing a student, the Outcome(s) will show up at the bottom of your assessment screen. This goes for: (group)Assignments, Quizzes and Discussions. As you can see, the following example is from a Discussion:

Then, if you want to track how well a student is performing in regards to your set Learning Outcomes, you will have to go to Class Progress. There, you select a student.

  1. Next, you click on Learning Outcomes on the left side of your screen.
  2. Click on the little graph image to get the full picture.

You will see the following screen:

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