In this article we will discuss different ways to place a link, for example to a website, in your Brightspace course. A link can be placed in a HTML page or on a unit/lesson level. There are three ways to place a link:
Placing a link with Insert Stuff
- When you are editing a HTML page you click on Insert Stuff.
- Then you click on Insert Link.
- In the next screen you can place the URL of the link and write down the text that will be displayed on the page.
- You can also decide whether the link opens a new tab or not.

Placing a link with Insert Quicklink
- When you are editing a page you click on Insert Quicklink.
- Then you click on Link.
- In the next screen you can place the url of the link and write down the text that will be displayed on the page.
- You can also decide whether the link opens a new tab or not.

Placing a link with control + K
When you are editing a HTML page you can use the (command) Control + K to place a link. The following screen will appear:

"Path Detection warning" for links
Please note that you will be warned when adding material outside of the course (for example another Brightspace course) since it cannot be guaranteed that the material outside the course is accessible to the students. The following example is of an image from another course in Brightspace, in such case a warning will be given as it is very probable that not all students are also enrolled within that other course: