
How can I set up what students see when they hand in a quiz?

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This article explains how you can set up what students see when they hand in a quiz. 

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Submission views

When students hand in a quiz, they get the following standard message: Your quiz has been submitted successfully. You can alter this message and indicate which quiz information you wish to make (un)available for students (for example: are they able to see which questions were answered correctly, can they see their own score or also the class average etc).  

  • Navigate to Course Tools in the navbar of your course.
  • Click Quizzes.
  • Click the desired quiz. 
  1. Click Evaluation & Feedback.
    • You will see that the default view is visible directly and that there are no questions or statistics visible for students. Only the attempt grade will be published. You can change here if you want students to see their attempt grade and if they can view incorrect, correct, or all questions.
  2. Click Customize Quiz Results Displays to see and alter the default setting:
    • Here you can see the displayed message, grade, questions, answers, and learner's responses.
  3. Click Edit View to change the default settings.
  4. Click Additional View to create your own display. You can set up for each quiz whether you want to use the default view or another display you have created yourself.

Default view

When you create a new quiz, the student display will automatically be set up with the Default View. Thus it is useful to set up the default view in a way that allows you to use it for most quizzes.

  • The default message can be found under Message. It can be changed here if desired.

Use the drop down menu under Questions to select which information you want to show to students: 

  • Select Don't Show if you do not want students to see the questions.
  • Select All Questions if you want students to see all questions. You can then choose if you want the students to see their responses as well.
  • Select Correct Questions Only with Learner's Responses if you want students to see only the questions they answered correctly with their response.
  • Select Incorrect Questions Only with Learner's Responses if you want students to see only see the questions answered incorrectly with their response.
  1. Select Display attempt grade for evaluated questions if students are allowed to see how they scored on a quiz.
  2. Select Display class average if students are allowed to see the class average.
  3. Select Display grade distribution if students are allowed to see how other students did for each question.
  4. Click Update to save the settings.

Questions that need to be assessed manually (like open questions) automatically receive a score of zero in Brightspace. When you use written response questions in a quiz, it is advised to leave Display attempt grade for evaluated questions unchecked. If you do select this option, the student will get a distorted image of their score.

Additional views

Create an additional student view for a quiz, for example when you want to show students different data than usual for a specific quiz. You can schedule when the Additional view comes into effect.

  1. Set a date.
  2. Add a Message if desired.
  3. You can also choose the date and time that the message will appear and can leave the message for a limited amount of time in minutes.

You can also add a link to the message that direct the student to another component in Content or Activities so that students will know what they have to do after the quiz is finished.


To add restrictions if desired, go over to Availability Dates & Conditions:

  1. Select IP Restriction (IPv4) to limit the visibility of the message to the IP-addresses that also have access to the accompanying quiz. Note that if you want to use this function you have to set up an IP-restriction when setting up the quiz.
  2. If you want students to achieve a certain score for an attempt before they can see the view, check A specific attempt and And a specific grade range achieved.
  3. Choose a minimum and/or maximum score students need to achieve to see the view.

Entering a date can be useful if you want to display the answers, but also want to prevent faster students from giving answers to slower students.

Set up submission view

If you have created one or multiple student views apart from the default view, it will automatically display the view with the earliest date and time.

You will see an overview of the additional views you have created when clicking on Customize Quiz Results Displays.

  • If you want to use one of these views instead of the default view, make sure to set the date and time to your current date and time.

Caution! The default settings are still visible, but will be overruled by the newly added submission view.

It depends on the settings of the quiz when students are able to see the submission view. If you select the option in the submission view that says that students can see their score for the questions and the attempt, the view will only be visible after it has been assessed. When you have set up that Brightspace automatically assigns the quiz, students will directly see the view. However, if you have set up that you yourself will assess the quiz, students will only see the view after you have published the assessment. If you do not check the box that allows students to see their score, they will see the view either directly after handing in the quiz or on the date you have set up.

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